Sunday, October 23, 2011

All About Me

at juanda international airport Surabaya

My Name Is Habibatur Rosyidah Al-Farouq, Nick Ridha . i'm Indonesian .
I means in Indonesian, English, Arabic (little little i can), Jowoan, and Kupang hahaha :).

i was born in Kupang, 18, June, 1993. and now i'm 18 years old.
i'm very love my parents :*
my father is a bussines man and my mother is a teacher, leader of Muslimat NU NTT.

this is wedding photos my mother and my father (1990)

alhamdulillah , from marriage of my parents, finally produce five children .
and i'm the first (yeyeyeye ^^)
this is me with my dady and buyut buyutku :)

memory masa kecil with my mom and buyutku ^^
yupz, it's my childhood photos :) :)
i think, i'm cute babys . hahahahaha ( GR ^^ )

:) tralaallaa i have big brother !! hahaha . no no no , he is my little brother .
but, him have big body (hahaha) . he is very cute man, yaps i think like that .
my brother, Muhammad fachri Al-Farouq , is a candidates of KIYAI . hahaha (yaaah becos my grandpha is kiyai.. :p).
yippyy. this is my brother:) . (dibelakangnya itu siapa yah ?! ngelek ngelek'i pemandangan ae :( hahaha!)
hummmm . . .
and i have 3 LITTLE SISTER .
first, Assyifa Rahmanida Al-Farouq, nick Syifa .
interest in HAFIDZOH (Tahfidz Al-Qur'an) ... subhanallaaaaah :*

My little sister, Zahra . interest in make up .
very very ENDEL EVERYDAY :) ;) :)

at her bed room
and the last . .
my little sister ,  Lidya :) 
i always miss her . . . very cute :) :)
and . . . smart babies !! hahahaha .

hihhiihihi you so cute darlaaa :)

miss you so dek :*

always miss you :*
yaps . . that all my family . i love them in my life forever :* muach muach !

hummm , and sometime, i meet someone in ketintang street .
i feel . . i love him . (hahahahaha :*)
abracadabra . finally , he love me too :) :)
yoaaa . he is Kemal Rachmadiar Prakosa , nick kemal. interest in direct bank (aamiin ya rabb ^^) .
alhamdulillah, kedekatanku ma dia udah hampir 3 tahun . semoga still like this until we married, aamiin :*
i am a moslem .
interested with language, speech, and islamic economists also.
i love hijab fashion, mlaku mlaku (hahah), shopping, and trying new things.
i love to learn :)

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